Friday, April 10, 2009

It's been a long time ...

Sorry, Vikki (and everyone else); I know I’ve been AWOL for a long time.

Things have been busy in my little corner of the world. My biggest news is: we bought a new house! We close April 30th and will move the first week of May. It’s in a really great neighborhood and we’ll have a lot more room and a lot of nice extras. It’s got a beautiful Bradford Pear tree in the front yard and a huge oak tree on the side. Then there’s another flowering tree in the far corner of the back yard; I’m not sure, but I think it’s a cherry tree. How cool is that? Speaking of trees, I will miss my big pecan tree in our back yard; it has kept me supplied with pecans for all the years I’ve been here.

I spent today packing. It’s amazing how much we have accumulated in 12 years of living in this small house … and that with us remaining very conscious of our space limitations. I hate a cluttered house, so it’s been an ongoing effort to minimize. But even with that, we have a lot of stuff.

My health issues are better. I’m on two different medicines for fibromyalgia, and they have made a big difference. I’ve also gotten several massages, which help my neck and shoulders, and feel so good and so … indulgent. I love getting them.

I am so far off-track right now in my eating. I have nothing to say for myself... I hope to get back on track soon. But probably not until after the move.

Here's a picture of the new place.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Nice place! I was thinking about you earlier today and even stopped by your blog to see if you had posted anything. Glad to 'read' ya!

Patty said...

Thanks, Sadekat. And, welcome home! I've enjoyed reading about your vacation.

DAR said...

Your new house is lovely! I know how long you have wanted it and am SO happy for you!

I'm glad you are feeling better, too. Don't overdo it with all that packing and moving... ;+)

Patty said...

Thank you, DAR! You are spot on -- we've been saving and dreaming for literally years to be able to move. And you're right ... I'm trying to be very careful with my energy and joints in this whole process.

I know I owe you a note, and I haven't forgotten. I'll be in touch soon!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Thats one PHEENOMENAL looking house, congratulations, I am sure you will have a lot of enjoyment once you have moved in, in making it YOUR home. Having just recently done the packing up and moving thing, I can well identify with the discovery you are having of realizing just how much stuff you really have----and its mind numbing making the decisions of what to keep and what to let go of, but then again it is a good time to really decide just what is and what is of no importance to you any longer, let go and make room for all the new stuff you will acquire in the years ahead. again congratulations on such a lovely new home.

Patty said...

Gary, I have been keeping up with you through your relocation process and acquisition of Ol' Blue. Congratulations to you, too!

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